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The pump efficiency of torque coefficient balance principle and To meet the requirement of the principle of the transmission machine

Source: Notetime: 2013-09-25 10:55:46 click: 2830

  The pump efficiency of torque coefficient balance principle:

  The pump wheel torque coefficient of Hydraulic cam and groove coupling is related to the rotation speed. If the speed ratio is large, the efficiency will be high, pump wheel torque coefficient of Hydraulic cam and groove coupling is small; on the contrary, speed than small, low efficiency, pump on high torque coefficient. Thus in the selection, the pump wheel torque coefficient and speed ratio (i.e. efficiency) must be taken into account, try to achieve high efficiency, pump wheel torque coefficient is high.

  To meet the requirement of the principle of the transmission machine:

  Select the hydraulic cam and groove coupling according to the transmission machine. Such as working machine needs to solve the problems of difficult starting, overload protection, select the yox; if you need for speed regulation and energy saving, you need to select governor hydraulic cam and groove coupling.
