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Mobile operation principle, The principle to meet the environmental requirements and Affordable principles

Source: Notetime: 2013-09-25 10:56:46 click: 2556

  Mobile operation principle:

  It must be able to ensure the whole system working in the specified stable operating points, not speed up, do not turn, smooth operation, no ups and downs, speed sensitive, reliable.

  Convenient connection with the motor, the working machine (including speed reducer, increase speed) and reliable principle:

  Connect hydraulic cam and groove coupling and the power machine, the machine must be safe and reliable, convenient installation and disassembly, short axial dimension variable speed and large size yox must use connection not mobile working machine and machine can be disassembled, and must ensure the safe and reliable connection.

  The principle to meet the environmental requirements:

  Hydraulic cam and groove coupling is used in wet, cold, heat, dust, flammable and explosive environment, must the function to adapt to the harsh working environment.

  Affordable principles:

  The cam and groove coupling should be affordable, the comprehensive technology performance is high, in order to meet the working machine, the drive motor, and strive to low prices, good quality, high cost performance, reliability and maintainability, long service life.
